Alzheimer's is a ruthless disease that feasts of the golden treasures stored in the brain: our memories. Couples who have been married for more than 50 years can suddenly become strangers overnight.
The brutal truth is that it's actually never death that do us part. It's the memory.
This text came to life from witnessing someone dear to me falling into the unscrupulous hands of Alzheimer's. I’ve seen the disease rob them of their most dearest memories, one memory at the time.

The text is written in Swedish and is called 'Til memory do us part'. 
If ever printed, my hope is that it will bring us closer to a cure in terms of increased contributions to research.​​​​​​​
Client: Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden)
Brief: Write a print that will increase contributions for researching Alzheimer's disease.
Solution: 'Til memory do us part' - 'Tills minnet skiljer oss åt'
Copywriter: Albert Bäckman
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